"Looking after your local nature reserve and Green Spaces"
Conserving Whitehill & Bordon’s Green Heart
Junior Rangers

We run three after-school clubs from September to July.
One in the Bordon Inclosure on the first Thursday of the month,
One in the Deadwater Valley Local Nature Reserve on the second Thursday of the month
One in the Hogmoor Inclosure on the third Monday of the month.
All clubs run from 4pm -5.30pm and includes a drink and small snack.
The aim is to learn about nature, wildlife and our environment in fun, interactive and exciting ways. All sessions are outside, mostly in the woodland (except in really awful weather).
Each group has a capacity of 10 children and therefore places need to be booked.
Our groups work towards nationally recognised awards which require our junior rangers to attend a fixed number of hours to complete.
Please email julie@deadwatervalleytrust to enquire about a place at Junior Rangers.