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Exploring The Accessible Section Of The Legion Trail

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The Legion Trail is the red route and its marker posts are topped with legionnaires helmets

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Take the right hand path from the playarea crossroads. Head towards the marker signpost and then turn right towards the car park field gate. Take the left path running alongside the car park. Follow this around into the woodland

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Keep following the woodland path. You will pass over a bridge.
When you reach the open area you will see some unusual statues.
Follow the path slightly to the left.

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To the left is a pathway to the 'Railway Gate' this is a kissing gate which exits to Templers Way.
Although accessible this gate is a narrow example
You can explore this path and leave into Dukes Quarter or return to The Legion Trail.

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Continue on the path. You will reach the Maternity Bat Roost.
Follow the path.


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When you reach a bench on the right you could take a break.
In front of the bench is a path to Forreys Pond, you might see ducks here. 

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 Forrey Pond

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Continuing back along the path you will reach a Roman Helmet Statue surrounded by blocks.

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To the left is a pathway to the 'Roman Gate' this is a kissing gate which exits to Templers Way.
Although accessible this gate is a narrow example.
Crossing the road here will lead you behind Sutton Fields and Whitehill Village Hall.

Further route photographs to be added

You can turn right here and walk back over the sand if you wish otherwise you will need to turn back the way you came. If you are following the sand walk forwards towards the two statues on the hill. You will reach a statue which sometimes stands in a pond if it has been raining. Take the path to the right of this statue and continue. You will see the playarea ahead of you.

You are back at the playarea


Charitable Incorporated Organisation Number: 1160737




01420 479070 


The Phoenix Centre    |   Barbados House   |   Station Road   |   Bordon   |   Hampshire   |   GU35 0LR

© 2020 by Deadwater Valley Trust. 

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